Tale of the Mural (2023) | MyAsiantv
The following Tale of the Mural (2023) (2023) with English SUB has been released. Dramacool will always be the first to have the episode so please Bookmark and add us on Facebook for update!!! Enjoy.
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Tale of the Mural (2023)
~~ Adapted from the story “Mural” (画壁) from the collection “Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio” (聊斋志异) by Pu Song Ling (蒲松龄).
Original name: 聊斋画壁
Director: Li Yuxi
Country: China,
Status: Complete
Released: 2023
Genre: Fantasy, Historical, Romance, Supernatural
Other name: The Painted Wall of LiaozhaiTale of the Mural
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